Planning Department

The Planning Department is comprised of three divisions: Planning & Zoning, and Engineering. The Department also provides support to seven boards and commissions. There are six full time personnel on staff. The Director of Planning is a licensed Professional Planner in New Jersey and holds a national certification from the American Institute of Certified Planners.
The Planning and Zoning Division administers the Township Land Use Code. Responsibilities range from granting Zoning Permits for new buildings and additions to managing development applications for the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Planning and Zoning Division also supports several other boards and commissions including Environmental Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, Economic Development Committee (formerly the Industry and Commerce Commission), Kingston Village Advisory Committee, Transportation Advisory Committee and Open Space Committee. More information on boards and commissions can be found under other web pages for the Planning Department.
Geographic Information System (GIS) services and expertise also reside in the Planning and Zoning Division. The maps generated by the Department are prepared on the GIS system. This system was instrumental in the preparation of the 2007 Master Plan Reexamination Report.

The Engineering Division reviews site plans and subdivision plans for the Planning Board and Zoning Board, and inspects construction sites to assure that projects are developed according to approved plans. The Engineering Division also designs and oversees capital projects authorized by the Township Council.

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