Bingo Application – A bingo license is required to hold a bingo game in South Brunswick. Four originally signed and notarized copies of the bingo application must be submitted to the Township Clerk’s Office 3 weeks prior to a bingo being held in South Brunswick Township. You must have a registration (click here for link to application) with the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission that does not expire prior to the bingo date. See the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission website for additional bingo and registration information .
Clothing Bin Permit (online application)
IdentGo Form Vendors Background Printing Form (PDF download)
Kennel License (online application)
Landlord Registration Form (online application)
Limousine License (online application)
Liquor License (click here for Division of ABC website)
Manicure Facility Permit Application (online application)
Massage Establishment Permit Application (online application)
Mobile Vendor License Application (online application)
Fixed Vendor License Application (online application)
Barbara Nyitrai, RMC
PO Box 190
540 Ridge Road
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
732-329-4000 x7313
Municipal Building
540 Ridge Road
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
Call Us - 732-329-4000