
Township Clerk

Barbara Nyitrai has served as Municipal Clerk since December of 2001. A resident of South Brunswick for the past 20 years, she began her career in government as an Assistant Municipal Clerk; subsequently, she advanced to Deputy Municipal Clerk then finally to Municipal Clerk in which she currently assumes office.


Certified by the NJ Division of Local Government Services as a Registered Municipal Clerk and as a Certified Municipal Clerk from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Ms. Nyitrai serves as Secretary to the Mayor and Council, Board of Health, and Rent Control Board and has presided over the Middlesex County Clerks’ Association. She has participated in the International Institute of Municipal Clerks Region II Conference and played an active role in the Municipal Clerks’ Association – serving on various committees such as Professional Development, the Scholarship Committee, Legal Defense Fund, Membership Committee and the Laws Committee. She attended Middlesex County College and continues to further her education in Public Administration at Thomas Edison University.


Nyitrai has engaged in several noteworthy projects such as reducing the Township’s global footprint by introducing paperless packets and records for the governing body and Board of Health meetings. She also introduced online applications, payments and processing for various licenses and permits in the Clerk’s Office. She is married with two children. 

News from the Clerk

Ways to Vote visit Middlesex County Vote

Early Voting in South Brunswick at the Community Center (Woodlot Park) 124 New Road, Monmouth Junction open Saturday, October 26, 2024 until Sunday, November 3, 2024 for the 2024 General Election. Hours will be Monday – Saturday, 10 am – 8 pm and Sunday, 10 am – 6 pm. No appointment is necessary.

POLL WORKERS NEEDED – If you are interested in being a pollworker apply here. You can contact the Township Clerk’s Office at 732-329-4000 x7313. The polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and you can earn $300 for the day.

Where do you vote? Who are the candidates? This information can be found on your sample ballot. All registered voters will receive a sample ballot in the mail prior to Election Day. This sample ballot will include all the candidates and the office they are running for. The sample ballot also includes any questions to be voted on as well as what district you are in and where you need to go and vote. If you have any questions feel free to contact the Clerk’s Office at 732-329-4000 x7352. You can also find this information at the Division of Elections website here.

Responsibilities of the Clerk

The Municipal Clerk serves as secretary to the South Brunswick Council and is the custodian of all minutes, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, deeds and archival records of the municipality. The Municipal Clerk also serves as secretary of the municipal corporation.

  • Serves as Custodian of Records responsible for implementing local archives and records retention programs as mandated pursuant to Open Public Records Act (OPRA) (P.L. 2001, c. 404, N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.)
  • Prepares Council meeting agendas and records minutes of Council meetings.
  • Retains the original copies of all ordinances and resolutions
  • Serves as the Chief Administrative Officer in all elections held in South Brunswick, subject to Title 19 of the Revised Statutes
  • Serves as Chief Registrar of Voters in South Brunswick, subject to the requirements of Title 19 of the Revised Statutes
  • Serves as Administrative Officer responsible for the acceptance of applications for licenses and permits and the issuance of licenses and permits, except where statute or municipal ordinance has delegated that responsibility to different municipal officer.  
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