
To arrange an inspection please call: (732)329-4000 x7216, x7215, x7213, or x7202

Building Department

The South Brunswick Code Enforcement Department administers the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code. In doing so, we are responsible for reviewing construction permit applications, issuing construction permits and inspecting construction projects.

Our objective is to make sure construction and construction materials are consistent with nationally recognized standards, and all work is performed in a manner which will adequately protect the health, safety and welfare of anyone living or working in South Brunswick. We strive to perform our duties in a courteous, efficient, customer friendly manner.

Our Department consists of a Construction Official, Subcode Officials, Inspectors and a Secretarial staff. The Construction Official establishes the day to day operating routine of the department and coordinates the activities of the Subcode Officials. There are four Subcode Officials; Plumbing, Fire, Building and Electric. Each Subcode Official is responsible for the enforcement of the appropriate subcode or codes that pertain to their trade.

This includes plan review. Inspectors assist with plan review, but their main function is to perform field inspections for the subcode for which they are licensed . The Construction Official, Subcode Officials and Inspectors are all licensed by the NJ Department of Community Affairs [], and they attend continuing education seminars to stay updated and maintain their licenses.


Our Secretarial staff maintains all records, files all reports, assists in the issuance of all certificates, schedules inspections, and accepts applications. If you have questions regarding Construction Code Enforcement, please call. Our hours are 8:30 to 4:30. The following is a list of all staff and their phone extensions.

Construction Official
William Murphy

732-329-4000 x7218

Building Subcode

Jim Eby

732-329-4000 x7201

Electrical Subcode Official

Kenneth Gorman

732-329-4000 x7335

Plumbing Subcode Official
William Roman

732-329-4000 x7211

Building Inspector

Peter Lubas

732-329-4000 x7341

Fire Subcode Official
William Murphy
732-329-4000 x7210
Administrative Secretary
Marie DiStasio

732-329-4000 x7216

Shelley Tibbets

732-329-4000 x7215

Paige Korch

732-329-4000 x7213

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