Benefits & Discounts

From the Desk of Darlene Dawson 732-329-4000 x7676

2022 Senior Freeze Applications -(Property Tax Reimbursement)

2022 Senior Freeze.

Eligible Applicants: Deadline to file the 2023 Property Tax Reimbursement Application is October 31, 2024. Click here for more info.

Income Limit: Your total annual income (combined if you were married or in a civil union and lived in the same home) was:

For 2022: $150,000 or less (Single or Married/CU couple)

For 2023  $163,050 or less (Single or Married/CU couple)

Other criteria applies.

The Senior Freeze Program reimburses eligible senior citizens and disabled persons for property tax or mobile home park site fee increases on their principal residence. To qualify, you must meet all the eligibility requirements for each year from the base year through the application year (the current application year is 2022).

Applications are scheduled to be mailed beginning in mid-February and they are typically mailed to the last address you filed with. If you do not receive your booklet by early March, contact the Senior Freeze Property Tax Reimbursement Information Line for assistance at 1-800-882-6597.

For detailed information please visit website:

New for 2022, eligible applicants have the option to electronically file their PTR-1 and PTR-2 application online at:  File electronically here

Age/Disability: You (or your spouse/civil union partner) were 65 or older on December 31, 2021; or actually receiving Federal Social Security disability benefit payments, on or before December 31, 2021.

Residency: You lived in New Jersey continuously since December 31, 2011 or earlier, as a homeowner or a renter.Home Ownership: Homeowners: You owned and lived in your home since December 31, 2018, or earlier (and you still owned and lived in that home on December 31, 2022). Mobile Home Owners: You leased a site in a mobile home park where you placed a manufactured or mobile home that you owned since December 31, 2018, or earlier (and still lived in that home/leased the site on December 31, 2022)  or 2021 by June 1, 2022, and the 2022 property taxes must be paid by June 1, 2023.

Affordable New Jersey Communities for Homeowners and Renters (ANCHOR)

Attention ANCHOR Applicants
The deadline for filing your ANCHOR benefit application is February 28, 2023. We will begin paying ANCHOR benefits in the late Spring of 2023. ANCHOR payments will be paid in the form of a direct deposit or check, not as credits to property tax bills. Homeowners who filed a Homestead Benefit application last year may be able to obtain their ID and PIN numbers online. Renters/Tenants do not need an ID or PIN number to file. Visit the Division’s ANCHOR page for all filing information.

The ANCHOR call center will have extended hours through February 28, 2023. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. until February 25, 2023.

The ANCHOR call center will also provide assistance on February 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and on February 28 from 8:30 a.m. to midnight.

The Trenton Regional Information Center will have extended hours for in-person ANCHOR assistance on February 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and on February 28 from 8:30 a.m. to midnight. You do not need an appointment. Be sure to bring your government issued photo ID.

Visit the ANCHOR Benefit Inquiry portal to check the status of your application. Click Here for more information
AARP TAX HELP:AARP Foundation TaxAide: Call us for info and to register for AARP Taxaide assistance.


Medicare Counseling/State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)

Assistance is available to help you understand Medicare coverage’s including Part A & B Supplemental Insurance, Medicare Advantage Plans (HMO’S), & Part D Drug coverage. Assistance is also available for medical claims, appeals & hospital billing problems & employer health plans in conjunction with Medicare. SHIP services are available to those with Medicare and their caregivers or representatives. Contact Darlene at 732-329-4000 x7676

Property Tax Deduction for Senior Citizens, Disabled Persons

Annual deduction of up to $250 from property taxes for homeowners age 65 or older or disabled who meet certain income and residency requirements. This benefit is administered by the local municipality.

Puerto Rican Action Board

732 832.7535 x 306 Fax: 732.324.1301
313 State Street 3rd Floor Perth Amboy 08861

Home Energy 

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program(LIHEAP) 732 832.7535 help for low-income households meet home heating and medically necessary cooling costs. The maximum monthly income to qualify for a household of 1 in 2023 is $3,464 and for a household of 2 is $4,530. For updated info for 2024 please click here.

The Universal Service Fund (USF)  For the Year 2023 

1-866-240-1347. USF is a program created by the State of New Jersey to help make natural gas and electric bills more affordable for low-income households. If you are eligible, USF can lower the amount you pay for gas and electricity. The maximum monthly income to qualify for a household of 1 is $4,530and for a household of 2 is $6,103. In addition you must pay more than 3% of your annual income for electric, or more than 3% for natural gas. USF accepts applications all year.* You can apply for both LIHEAP and USF with one application; you may be eligible for both. Applications for USF accepted all year.
NJ Lifeline

800-792-9745 a $225.00 annual benefit is available for seniors 65+ or persons receiving SSD benefit. Income must not exceed for a single person $28,769 or $35,270 for a married couple. Applications accepted all year.

NJ Shares

Provides energy assistance to moderate and fixed-income households experiencing a financial crisis. Eligibility is based on household size and income. Participants are families and individuals who do not qualify for Federal and State assistance programs due to the household’s income. NJ SHARES Grant amounts can be up to $700 for heating source (natural gas – including cooking gas and electric heat), and can be up to $500 for electric service. Grants must result in continuance and/or restoration of service. Applicants must demonstrate a temporary financial need and a history of good-faith payments to their energy provider.
To apply click here or call 866-657-4273

This program helps seniors, disabled residents and low income households weatherize their homes to improve heating system efficiency, conserve energy and decrease utility bills. The weatherization program can provide you with tools such as insulation, caulking, weather stripping and assistance to repair or replace windows, furnace/boiler, heat exchange or distributions systems.

TRUE Grant – New Program 732. 982.8710
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has created a brand new program called Temporary Relief for Utility Expenses (TRUE) Program funding to the Affordable Housing Alliance (AHA). This one-time TRUE Grant assistance, administered by the AHA, is intended for low to middle income New Jersey residents who are struggling to pay their electric and natural gas bills. The maximum grant is $750 for electric and $750 for gas service, depending on your balance owed. Funds will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.

How to Apply:

Applications are available at the South Brunswick Senior Center or may be downloaded and submitted online at or call 1-855-465-8783. Applications are also available at all PSE&G Customer Service Centers.


PAAD- The Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled, is a state funded prescription program, which helps eligible NJ residents with the cost of prescribed medications. Cardholders pay $5 for generic drugs and $7 for covered brand name drug. PAAD participants will use PAAD benefits together with Medicare Part D benefits for covered medications. PAAD will pay Medicare Part D premiums and deductibles.
Senior Gold
The Senior Gold Prescription plan provides prescription drugs to eligible New Jersey residents for $15.00 per prescription plus 50% of the remaining of each covered prescription. Once cardholders reach annual out-of-pocket expenses exceeding $2000 for single and $3000 for married couples per eligibility year, they pay only $15.00 per prescription for the balance of that eligibility period. A Medicare Part-D plan can be used in conjunction with Sr. Gold.
Hearing Aid Assistance to the Aged & Disabled provides a $100.00 reimbursement to eligible persons who purchase a hearing aid.
Telephone assistance
These programs provide a discount on your monthly bill and/or provide a reduction in installation fees. Eligibility is determined based on your income or participation in other assistance programs. In general, if you participate in any of the following programs you also may qualify for telephone assistance: Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families/Work First New Jersey (TANF), General Assistance, Lifeline Utility Credit/Tenants Lifeline Assistance, Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD), Food Stamp Program, Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP/HEAP),Medicaid.

Telephone assistance is available to you if you are a qualified residential telephone customer. When you are seeking telephone assistance, please keep in mind that each telephone company and/or each program has different eligibility requirements, different benefits available and different restrictions. Some programs have restrictions on the optional services available to participants.

The following list of telephone service providers participate in Lifeline Assistance and Link Up programs in New Jersey:

  1. If you are a Verizon New Jersey customer, please call NJSHARES at 1-888-337-3339 or visit them at NJSHARES for more information.
  2. Tracfone – 1-800-977-3768 –
  3. Virgin Mobile – To learn more about Assurance Wireless and to apply, New Jersey residents should call 1-888-898-4888, or visit
MCMAP Program 732.745.3295

Middlesex County Multi-Assistance Program (MCMAP) Program provides assistance for the homebound frail/elderly, age 65 +, and disabled adults age 18-64 in need of services to help them remain safely in the community. Participants must require Activity of Daily Living (ADL) help.

Jersey Assistance for Community Caregiving (JACC) Program

JACC- is a program that provides in-home services to seniors at risk of placement in a nursing facility. JACC includes an array of services designed to supplement assistance given by the individual’s caregiver network. Participants work together with a care manager to develop a plan of care to best meet their needs.If you any questions regarding these services please call Middlesex County Office on Aging & Disabled Services at 732-745-3295.


NJ Veterans Memorial Homes
Provide Long Term Care, Respite Care, and Adult Day Care… If you are responsible for the long term care and well being of a New Jersey veteran, a New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home may be the right nursing home choice for your love one. Residents receive compassionate medical and nursing care 24 hours a day as well as a variety of on site recreational programs and off site trips. Services also include barber services, transportation, library, chapel, rec rooms and snack bars. Respite care is also available for caretakers who need a rest from the stress of caring for a veteran at home. Currently there are three homes located in New Jersey which are in the following locations Paramus, 201-967-7676, x294, Menlo Park in Edison 732-452-4272, and Vineland 856-696-6357.

Annual Deduction for Veterans:
Annual deduction of up to $250 from property taxes due on the real or personal property of qualified war veterans and their unmarried surviving spouses. This benefit is administered by the local municipality.

Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans:
Full exemption from property taxes on a principal residence for certain totally and permanently disabled war veterans and their unmarried surviving spouses. Unmarried surviving spouses of service persons who died on wartime active duty may also qualify. This benefit is administered by the local municipality.

NJ Transit Reduced Fare Coupons Reminder…
Coupons are available from Dawn at the Senior Center. If you’re a senior citizen 62 years of age or older you can get a coupon book for 50% off fares on bus and trains when you ride with NJ TRANSIT. See Dawn for assistance with this program; if you are 62-64 you will fill out a NJ transit application with her. If you are over 65 you will just show your Medicare card and receive the coupons. Please call for an appointment.

Water and Sewer Senior /Disabled Deduction
Any person residing in a dwelling owned by her/him to whom water and/or sewer services are charged may be eligible for a 20% deduction if they are 65 or more years or less then 65 years of age and disabled according the Federal Social Security Act. Applications for customers already receiving discount will be mailed. Applications are available at the center or by calling the Water&Sewer Department at 732.329.4000 x7329

Need Help? Start Here — Dial 211 or NJ 211 Website
Connect with a caring professional who knows community resources. When you dial 2-1-1 you will reach a live operator at a non emergency hotline 24 hours a day. The hotline assists callers with free and confidential help. The operator can link the consumer to private and government agencies located in their community. Whether it’s nursing care, emergency assistance, Housing, Respite Care, Transportation, Support Groups confidential help is available 24/7.

AARP Driving Course Completion of this course gives you a discount off your car insurance. Courses offered occasionally at the center or thru AARP. Go to their website for other class locations. AARP Website

INFORMATION & REFERRAL – We have a comprehensive listing of information on programs and services available to seniors and the disabled population of South Brunswick, including entitlement programs, senior discounts, housing alternatives, support services & more. Please make an appointment for benefit assistance, Food Stamps, PAAD, SLMB, home energy, property tax rebate, etc. If you need assistance with applying for any of the above please contact Darlene at 732-329-4000 x7676.

Office on Aging

Dawn Neglia, MSW

Senior Center
540 Ridge Road
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
732-329-4000 x7670 (Main office)
732-329-4000 x7363 (Transportation)

Center Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

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