SBTP Tip Line

Chief of Police

Chief Hayducka oversees 88 sworn officers and 49 civilian staff in South Brunswick Township. In addition, he is the South Brunswick Deputy Manager, Director of Emergency Management, and oversees the Transportation Division for the Township. He also served as the Acting Township Manager.


Chief Hayducka has been in law enforcement for 34 years. During his tenure as Chief of Police, the South Brunswick Police Department has obtained the prestigious state and national accreditation. Under Chief Hayducka’s leadership, South Brunswick has been recognized as the first township in the state to become nationally and state accredited. He is also an Accreditation Commissioner for the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police. Chief Hayducka started his law enforcement career with the New Jersey Department of Corrections serving as a corrections officer. He also served in the City of East Orange as a Police Officer prior to joining the South Brunswick Police Department. He worked his way through the ranks and was appointed Chief of Police in 2005.


Chief Hayducka holds an AAS degree in Criminal Justice from Bergen Community College, BS degree in Criminal Justice/Safety and Security Management, and a Master’s degree in Criminal Justice from New Jersey City University. He also has a certification in Labor Relations from Rutgers Public Employment Relations Commission and a certification in Public Safety Mitigation from the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. Chief Hayducka is a Certified Public Manager and Certified Advanced Chief Law Enforcement Executive. He has also studied policing methods overseas with the National Police Corps Dutch National Police in Amsterdam, Republic of Ireland Police Garda Siochana in Ireland, Police of Scotland at College of Policing in Scotland, and the London Metropolitan Police in England.

The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs has consulted with him on law enforcement-related matters and the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office. Chief Hayducka has worked as a police consultant for police reorganizations and mentors Police Executives. He was part of a working group appointed by New Jersey Attorney General Paula Dow, to review and update the Internal Affairs Guidelines in 2011.  He also served as a working group member for the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office 2019 Internal Affairs revisions and the New Jersey Attorney General Brady / Giglio directive issued in 2019. He was appointed to the New Jersey Attorney General Use of Force Committee tasked with reviewing and updating the current Use of Force policy.  He authored the report for the sub-committee which studied and made recommendations regarding responding to people in mental health crisis. Many of these recommendations have been included in the revised New Jersey Attorney General Use of Force policy. He was also was part of working group to develop a Class III Special Officer Program that was enacted into law in 2016. This program allowed agencies to hire retired police officers and grant them law enforcement powers to help secure New Jersey schools. Chief Hayducka has served on numerous discussion panels in New Jersey and other states regarding law enforcement topics.

Chief Hayducka has written and authored numerous publications on various police law enforcement subjects. He has also served as an adjunct professor at the university and county college level. In addition, he has instructed and taught Police Chiefs and ranking officers throughout the State of New Jersey and the United States as he is the former president of the New Jersey State Chiefs of Police and current board member.

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