Station Officer FAQ's

To obtain a copy of a releasable police report, you may either request a copy by email, with proper id, at or come to police headquarters during regular business hours, 8:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. For any questions, please call 732-823-3970. To purchase a motor vehicle crash report, wait five to seven business days and then please click here.

Any resident who has been issued fingerprint cards from an employer or agency can come to the police department Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm to be fingerprinted. There is a $10 fee for this service. All other residents requiring fingerprinting that do not have hard copy fingerprint cards should go to Identigo at

There is a 30-day statute of limitation from the date of the incident for issuing a summons. The station officer on duty will assist in filling out the ticket and a probable cause form. After the summons has been issued, you will be advised by the court of any future appearance date. You will then be required to appear in court and testify regarding the violation you observed.
There are several ways that this can be done. In an emergency situation, when police are called to the residence, the officers on the scene can help you obtain a TRO. A TRO can also be obtained through the Middlesex County Court in New Brunswick between the hours of 9:00am and 3:00pm. After hours, weekends, and holidays TROs can be obtained through the station officers at the South Brunswick Police Department.
In most cases the vehicles are released by the officers while on the scene. All that is required is to take the release form to the towing company. Once the bill has been paid, the car will be released to you. If you were not given a release form, you will need to come in to the South Brunswick Police Department and meet with the station officer. You will need to provide proof of identification to have the vehicle released to you.

The township contracted towing companies are:
Deans – 732-297-2041
George’s – 732-438-1911
Circle – 732-398-3222
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