Just call 732-329-4000 x7469 and advise the secretary of your specific request. A member of the Community Policing Division will return your call with the information you are requesting.
Applicants for future classes must live or work in the township and be at least 18 years of age to attend the academy. Call 732-329-4000 x7496 for an academy application as well as the next academy start date.
The South Brunswick Police Department is always looking for new Neighborhood Watch Members and Neighborhood Watch Groups. Call our office at 732-329-4000 x7469 for more information. An officer will help you get started and assist you in running your first meeting.
Tours of Police Headquarters can be arranged by calling 732-329-4000 x7469. It would be appreciated if you would have several dates available when calling, to better accommodate you.
We offer free home security surveys to all our residents and businesses. Please call 732-329-4000 x7469 to schedule an appointment.
For any Community Policing questions, please call Amber Redfield at (732)329-4000 x7469, or by email at ARedfield@SBPDNJ.net.
Raymond J. Hayducka
540 Ridge Road
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
Municipal Building
540 Ridge Road
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
Call Us - 732-329-4000