Alarm FAQ'S

Yes, all residential and business alarms in South Brunswick must be registered with the Police Department as required by Ordinance Chapter 38, Article III Sec. 38-76. This is independent of your Alarm monitoring Company. Any alarm user who fails to register as specified in this Ordinance or who is more than 60 days delinquent in registering the alarm is subject to a fine of $50.
A “false alarm” is any alarm caused by human error, equipment problems, or an “Act of God” requiring police response, with no evidence of an actual crime having been committed.
Not all false alarms can be prevented. You can, however reduce the number of false alarms in several ways?
Keep your alarm system in good repair.
If you accidentally set off your alarm, call your alarm company with the proper code to cancel the alarm immediately.
Make sure all that have access to your premises have the proper code and know how to use the alarm system.

Ordinance #38 Sec. 38-77 allows for 4 false alarms within a 12 month period (calendar year)

A no reduced rate alarm user is subject to a fine as follows:

  • Each false alarm over 4 will be assessed a $50 fine
  • Each false alarm over 8 will be assessed a $150 fine
  • Each false alarm over 10 will be assessed a $200 fine
  • Each false alarm over 20 will be assessed a minimum fine of $500 but no more than $1,000 and will carry a mandatory Court appearance.


A reduced rate alarm user is subject to a fine as follows:


  • Each false alarm over 6 will be assessed a $50 fine
  • Each false alarm over 10 will be assessed a $150 fine
  • Each false alarm over 20 will be assessed a $500 fine

    All of the fines will also be assessed an additional Court cost. To consult with the Municipal Court regarding this you can call their direct phone number at 732-823-3963.

You can contact the Alarm Coordinator at 732-329-4000 x7480.

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