Community Policing Division

The Community Policing Division coordinates the community policing function for the Township, forming bonds within the community and working collaboratively with community members to identify and solve problems. The Community Policing Division proactively and coactively addresses the needs and concerns of the South Brunswick community regarding preventing crime, addressing quality of life issues, coordinating community outreach, and facilitating programs run by the police department that bring the police and the community members together. 

Community Policing Division programs and responsibilities include:

  • Facilitate South Brunswick’s National Night Out events
  • Organize Neighborhood Watch groups throughout the Township
  • Facilitate Child ID Day which creates identification cards for kids
  • Coordinate Youth Police Academy which gives kids an inside look at the world of policing
  • Design, implement and monitor community based crime prevention programs.
  • Plan and implement programs for the business community.
  • Give presentations to community groups and serve on committees concerning crime prevention within the community.
  • Collect, analyze, prepare and disseminate information regarding crime prevention and crime statistics.
  • Conduct residential and commercial security surveys.

The following personnel can be reached directly by calling (732)329-4000 and their extension:

  • Captain Gene Rickle x7459
  • Community Policing Aide Amber Redfield x7469


Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that educates citizens about types of crime and crime prevention techniques. It teaches citizens how to help themselves by identifying and reporting suspicious activity in their neighborhoods. In addition, it provides citizens with the opportunity to make their neighborhoods safer and improve the quality of life. Neighborhood Watch groups typically focus on observation and awareness as a means of preventing crime. For more information on forming or joining a Neighborhood Watch Group, see the National Sheriffs’ Association Neighborhood Watch website at:

In many jurisdictions around the country, volunteers in the community have offered their time and skills to law enforcement agencies. These citizen volunteers help supplement and support officers and civilian personnel by allowing them to concentrate on their primary duties. Volunteer roles may include performing clerical tasks, serving as an extra set of “eyes and ears,” and assisting with search and rescue activities. For more information, see the Volunteers In Police Services website at:
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