1. You were 65 years old or older as of December 31st of last year and have proof of age.
2. You owned the house and lived in it on or before October 1st of last year and still live in the house.
3. You were a citizen and resident of New Jersey for 1 year or more as of October 1st of last year.
4. You have an income of $10,000 or less not including the income from one of the following:
(A) Social Security
or (B) Railroad Pension
or (C) Government Pension
(2015 limit which can be “not included” is:
Senior/Disabled Person = $ 31,956
Senior aged spouse or spouse with a
Dependent child = $ 15,978
If your Social Security or railroad or government pensions are more than
$ 31,956 / $ 15,978 the additional income from these sources must be counted as “included income”).
There is also a Real Estate Tax Exemption for Individuals whom are declared 100 % Disabled due to a war or service related incident or series of events and for the Widow of a 100 % Disabled Veteran or Serviceman killed in the service of our Country.
Here are the Requirements for these Exemptions:
1- The Disabled Individual must have served in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, or Coast Guard, or served in a reserve unit with any of the above, during a time of war. “Time of War” guidelines are set by the State of New Jersey. If you served our Country during any of the Peacekeeping Missions, you must also have spent 14 days of service in the actual combat zone except when a service-incurred injury or disability occurred in the combat zone. If a service-incurred injury or disability occurred in the combat zone, then actual time served, though less than 14 days, is sufficient for the purpose of the tax exemption.
2- You must have been honorably discharged or released and submit a copy of your DD214 Discharge Papers and your Declaration of 100% Disability due to Service Related Incidence from the Department of Veteran’s Affairs. In the case of a Widow of a Serviceperson killed during the service of our Country, please submit the proper Death Certificate.
3- You must be a citizen and resident of New Jersey. Seasonal residence does not count. You must live in New Jersey for the majority of the year.
4- You must own and occupy the property in full or with your spouse only or have a life estates rights to the property.
5- A widow or widower can not re-marry.
6- Note: Tax Exemption is for the home and property needed by the disabled veteran to live a standard, normal life as decided by the Tax Assessor.
Tax Assessor
Mark Fitzpatrick
540 Ridge Road
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
732-329-4000 x7230
FAX: 732-274-2084
Samantha Rampacek CMFO/CTC/QPA
540 Ridge Road
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
732-329-4000 x7321
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
Call For Appointment.
Municipal Building
540 Ridge Road
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
Call Us - 732-329-4000