Senior Program Highlights

Ongoing Programming

Please UPDATE Your Photo & Medical Records – If your picture has not been taken within the last five years and/or if your medical forms are more than 2 years old, please stop by the office to update your records, email addresses and emergency contacts

Senior Advisory Council (SAC)– a 13 member board appointed by the Mayor and Township Council who discuss issues that impact the Senior Center. Everyone is welcome.
Township Liaison: Archana (Ann) Grover  Chair: Geeta Balasubramanian
Meeting: First Thursday, of each month at 10:30am (All are welcome to attend)

FRIENDS – Friends is a non-profit organization raising funds to promote and supplement the Senior Center activities as well as improve the lives of seniors. Dues: $10.00/year Membership forms are available at the office or in the lunchroom. 
President: Satya Agarwal
Co-Vice Presidents: Gina Seepurshad, Geeta Balasubramanian and Shikaram Gupta
Treasurer: Sharad Patel
Secretary: Barbara Christiano.

Billiards Club– All welcomed to play daily. Tournaments are played weekly. Lessons on request.
Pool club membership is required for tournaments. There is a $25.00 membership fee.
Meeting: First Wednesday of the month at 11:00am
President: Ken Peabody

Bridge Club– Daily Bridge play. Friendly Duplicate tournaments are played.
Lessons- Wednesdays 10:00am with Lynne Brown (must pre-register)
Tournaments: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 12:00p- 2:30p
Coordinator: Satya Agarwal

Golden Age Club– All welcomed to join. Meeting: Second & Fourth Wednesday of the Month at 1– 3pm
President: Aggie Schwartz

Knit and Crochet Club- Supports organizations serving communities in crisis. Yarn donations are
always appreciated! Newcomers are always welcomed!
Meets: Wednesdays 10:00am – 12:00pm. Coordinators: 

Pickleball– Check calendar for daily schedule

Ping Pong- Group play with others! Equipment provided. Weekdays: 8:30am – 4:15pm

Shuffleboard Table located by the billiards tables. Weekday’s 8:30-4:15 (Except during billiard tournaments)

Mobile Library-12- 12:45 PM Thursdays

Donations: We gratefully accept monetary donations. All donations go to senior programs.
Checks are payable to So. Brunswick Senior Center. 

Donations: We graciously accept monetary donations. All donations go to senior programs. Checks are payable to So.Brunswick Senior Center. “Tribute Cards” available $15 per pack of ten. Donations are tax deductible.

Along the line of donations, we are currently in need of new or newer type items to be used for Game Prizes and Large Event Door Prizes. If you are looking for suggestions please call Jill at extension 7675. Thanks so much!

The Art Lee Project- Tuesday Repurposed items transformed into fabulous, original and unique works of art. Come express yourself! All materials provided. Please sign up. Repurposed items transformed into fabulous, original and unique works of art. Come express yourself! All materials provided. Please sign up.

Adult Coloring- 1st Tuesday of every month 1:30pm Enjoy coloring, and making new friends.

Bingo-  Mondays 10:30am 

Book Club- Thursdays 10:30am Come join our weekly book club where we chat about literature and so much more! With the assistance of South Brunswick Library, a book is chosen for the group and we set a discussion date so members can read at their own pace. Recommendations on books are always welcomed by the group.

Braingames with Ram- Studies show that playing games may improve cognitive health in older adults. Join Ram for a variety of trivia and other Braingames. Every Second and last Friday of the month at 12:30 pm

Ceramics- Thursdays 9:30am – 11:30am Each class is $3.00 (class card is $15.00)
Cost includes glazes and kiln firing. Additional $3.00 charge for firing x-large pieces.
MUST pick up pieces last Thursday of every month. Names or initials MUST be on every piece. Volunteer Coordinators: Terry Doremus and Rose Marie Gianvito

Match-War with Al- Wednesdays from 9.30 – 11:30- MATCH-WAR is an exciting card game where the players must pluck a card to find their MATCHING card within 30 minutes. The twist and turns of the game make it an exciting game to watch and to play. This fun and laugh out loud game will provide an opportunity to meet new friends at the Center.

Mexican Dominoes with Bob on Monday’s at 12:30! Join the fun!


Storytelling- Third Wednesday of the Month in place of Writing Away 10:30am  Come and tell us your story. Perhaps a reminiscence of childhood, a travel adventure,
or an event you were a part of. Every life has stories to tell, and we want to hear yours.

Travel Club – Love to travel, want to share your stories and experiences with others or do you want to learn about different countries, cultures? This is the group for you! (on hiatus)

Veterans Group- Second Tuesday of each month at 10:30 am. Connect with other veterans and enjoy stories and friendships

What’s On Your Mind? – We have a variety of topics during this discussion group plus trivia, fun facts, riddles, news stories, etc. Fridays 1:30pm

Writing Away- Wednesdays 10:30am Friendly group that gathers to creatively write, read and share their work.

TED Talk Discussion Group- Mondays 1:30pm

What’s On Your Mind? – We have a variety of topics during this discussion group plus trivia, fun facts, riddles, news stories, etc. Fridays 1:30pm

Office on Aging

Dawn Neglia, MSW

Senior Center
540 Ridge Road
Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852
732-329-4000 x7670 (Main office)
732-329-4000 x7363 (Transportation)

Center Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

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